(Forimmediaterelease.net) Fraport AG has launched a Chinese version of its Frankfurt Airport Web site [ www.frankurt-airport.com ] to meet the special information needs of the growing number of passengers from China. This latest service follows other recent new offerings such as the FRA WebApp in Chinese and Shopping Assistants, airport service staff who give assistance in Mandarin Chinese. The new Chinese FRA Web site [ cn.frankurt-airport.com ] provides passengers flying to or from China with information and tips to make their stay at Germany’s biggest aviation hub as easy and comfortable as possible.
Not simply a one-to-one version of the information existing on the German and English sites, the Chinese FRA Web site addresses the specific needs of Chinese passengers. Along with essential airport and travel topics, there is information about the diverse shopping and service facilities, the wide range of fashionable European and international brands, as well as details on how and where to obtain value-added tax refunds directly in the terminals at Frankfurt Airport.
The Chinese aviation market, which is one of the fastest growing in the world, is particularly important for Frankfurt Airport. Germany is already the most popular destination in Western Europe for Chinese travelers. In 2012, Frankfurt Airport welcomed approximately one million passengers traveling on routes to and from China. With the help of the online Chinese FRA Web site, Fraport is expanding .
Frankfurt’s role as a preferred international gateway for Chinese travelers and is further enhancing travel comfort and the “quality of stay” for the steadily rising number of passengers from China.
When planning their next trip to Germany and Europe, Chinese passengers should remember the following key information sources in Mandarin: FRA’s Web site at: cn.frankurt-airport.com; and the FRA WebApp for mobile smartphones at: www.webapp.frankfurt-airport.cn .
MEDIA CONTACT: Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide, Robert A. Payne, B.A.A. – International Spokesman and Head of International Press/PR & External Activities Team, Press Office (UKM-PS), Corporate Communications, 60547 Frankfurt, Germany; Tel.: +49 69.690.78547; E-mail: r.payne@fraport.de ; Internet: www.fraport.com ; www.airportcarbonaccreditation.org
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