Apple devices in general still reign supreme above the clouds, with the iPad being the device of choice to connect in air. Among all devices being used to connect through Gogo, 84 percent carry Apple's iOS operating system while 16 percent carry the Android operating system.
ITASCA, ILL. - When it comes to staying connected at 30,000 feet, tablets and smartphones now make up a whopping 67 percent of the devices being used to connect to the Internet through Gogo's in-air network. Tablets are now the preferred device at 35 percent, followed closely by laptops (33 percent) and smartphones (32 percent).
Apple devices in general still reign supreme above the clouds, with the iPad being the device of choice to connect in air. Among all devices being used to connect through Gogo, 84 percent carry Apple's iOS operating system while 16 percent carry the Android operating system. If you look only at the smartphones people use, the iPhone makes up 73 percent and Android devices make up 26 percent, with BlackBerry and Windows based devices each making up less than 1 percent of the devices being used to connect in air.
When it comes to Apple devices, 59 percent of passengers connect using the iPad, 36 percent using the iPhone and 5 percent using the iPod touch.
"We've certainly seen air travelers rapidly adopt the tablet as the device of choice when it comes to air travel. Their smaller size and better battery life make them perfect for use in flight," said Ash ElDifrawi, Gogo's chief commercial officer. "Apple continues to dominate when it comes to the flying public; however, Android devices have seen significant gains in the past two years, increasing from 3.2 percent of the operating systems used to connect through Gogo in 2011 to 16 percent."
So what are passengers doing once they connect at 30,000 feet? It's no surprise that general Web surfing ranked as the number one in air, online activity users want to do. Besides Web surfing, passengers spend their time in flight accessing personal email, engaging in social media, checking sports scores and shopping. Business travelers ranked accessing their work email and finalizing reports as the most frequent activity above the clouds. Passengers also utilize Gogo to explore their final destination's weather, entertainment options and directions upon their arrival.
The data was compiled through surveys of Gogo users and using internal data compiled from the more than 35,000 average daily in-air connectivity sessions across more than 1800 Gogo equipped aircraft.
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