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الخميس، ٢٥ أبريل ٢٠١٣

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What we need TSA for? Nearly 12 years after helping to create the Transportation Security Administration, U.S. Rep. John Mica, urged Orlando International Airport officials Tuesday to dump the agency in favor of private contractors. "We probably can do more with less in the private sector and provide better service to the people of Orlando," Mica, R-Winter Park, told an airport committee considering whether to bring in a company that would screen passengers before they board. As the chairman of Congressional aviation subcommittee after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, Mica was instrumental in drafting and passing the legislation that created the TSA. Mica said his intent was to make the sky safer, not create an agency that he contends is bloated and overly bureaucratic. He predicted contractors would be more efficient in staffing, which he said would shorten the time passengers spending waiting in security lines. Before TSA, the airlines were responsible for ensuring passengers did not bring weapons or contraband on planes. Jerry Henderson, TSA's director in Orlando, was supposed to appear before the airport panel Tuesday, but he canceled. Dean Asher, who chairs the TSA services committee, said "some things happening on the national level" made Henderson unavailable. A TSA spokeswoman declined comment on why Henderson did not attend. In his stead, Henderson sent a two-page letter defending the agency. In 2011, he wrote, TSA officers confiscated almost 18,000 prohibited items, not including liquids, and referred 481 passengers to law enforcement, resulting in 57 arrests. He also noted that 95 percent of passengers surveyed during spring break said they satisfied with their TSA experience, down 3 percent from 2010. Asher said no decisions have been made about TSA by the 10-person panel. A recommendation to the seven-member airport board of directors would be made in September, he said. If Orlando International decides to hire private contractors, they still would be supervised by TSA and operate under federal rules.
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